Below, you will find decklists of top performing archetypes in the current metagame. This page will be updated regularily. 4-0 Kristof Van HolsbeekAzorius Control Deck (60)2 Essence Scatter11 Island3 The Birth of Meletis4 Banishing Light2 Swift Response4 Tranquil Cove1 Realm-Cloaked Giant1 Mystic Sanctuary4 Opt7 Plains3 Chemister’s Insight1 Archon of Sun’s Grace1 Didn’t Say Please4 Omen of the Sea1 Quench2 Prison Realm3 Thirst for Meaning1 Dream Trawler1 Time Wipe1 Evolving Wilds2 Devious Cover-Up1 NeutralizeSideboard (15)4 Negate2 Disdainful Stroke1 Swift Response2 Mystical Dispute2 Disenchant1 Devious Cover-Up3 Whisper Agent 4-0 Niels KokGruul Stompy Deck (60)4 Ilysian Caryatid9 Forest4 Kronch Wrangler4 Nessian Hornbeetle4 Warden of the Chained4 Fierce Witchstalker4 Frenzied Arynx3 Proud Wildbonder1 Quartzwood Crasher1 Domri, Anarch of Bolas1 Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate8 Mountain4 Rugged Highlands2 Gruul Guildgate1 God-Eternal Rhonas4 Ram Through2 Wildwood PatrolSideboard (15)2 Scorching Dragonfire1 Wilt3 Ranger’s Guile2 Return to Nature3 Rhythm of the Wild1 Destiny Spinner1 Shredded Sails2 Shock 4-0 Niels ViaeneMono-B Aristocrats Companion (1)1 Lurrus of the Dream-DenDeck (60)3 Cauldron Familiar18 Swamp2 Sanitarium Skeleton4 Serrated Scorpion4 Whisper Squad4 Witch’s Oven4 Burglar Rat4 Lampad of Death’s Vigil1 Priest of Forgotten Gods4 Call of the Death-Dweller1 Knight of the Ebon Legion2 Witch’s Cottage1 Castle Locthwain4 Village Rites4 Archfiend’s VesselSideboard (15)1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den4 Duress4 Mire’s Grasp3 Spark Harvest3 Pharika’s Libation 3-1 Nicolas AsencioTemur Reclamation Deck (60)4 Simic Guildgate1 Thornwood Falls3 Thornwood Falls4 Growth Spiral2 Mountain3 Island2 Cultivate3 Arboreal Grazer1 Shark Typhoon1 Hydroid Krasis2 Gruul Guildgate3 Rugged Highlands1 Rugged Highlands1 Expansion3 Forest4 Swiftwater Cliffs4 Wilderness Reclamation4 Chemister’s Insight3 Volcanic Geyser2 Flame Sweep4 Frantic Inventory1 Thassa’s Intervention4 Fire ProphecySideboard (15)4 Essence Scatter4 Negate2 Hypothesizzle3 Return to Nature2 Didn’t Say Please 3-1 Robbe SchildermansTemur Reclamation Deck (60)4 Wilderness Reclamation1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon3 Growth Spiral2 Negate4 Chemister’s Insight3 Essence Scatter2 Mountain4 Scorching Dragonfire5 Island2 Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor2 Flame Sweep1 Expansion4 Swiftwater Cliffs1 God-Eternal Kefnet1 Nissa, Who Shakes the World3 Quench4 Thornwood Falls4 Rugged Highlands2 Evolving Wilds3 Forest3 Omen of the Sea2 Narset, Parter of VeilsSideboard (15)1 Flame Sweep1 Essence Scatter2 Negate3 Return to Nature2 Cancel2 Disdainful Stroke2 Keep Safe2 Fire Prophecy 3-1 Matteo FerrnadoAzorius Birds Deck (60)1 Cloudkin Seer1 Hanged Executioner4 Faerie Miscreant4 Healer’s Hawk1 Sephara, Sky’s Blade4 Spectral Sailor4 Empyrean Eagle3 Rally of Wings4 Winged Words1 Skycat Sovereign8 Plains13 Island1 Dream Trawler4 Faerie Vandal3 Faerie Duelist4 Lofty DenialSideboard (15)3 Disenchant4 Swift Response3 Negate2 Disdainful Stroke1 Faerie Duelist2 Keep Safe 3-1 Renzo VerkoorenMono-U Tempo Deck (60)4 Spectral Sailor1 Narset’s Reversal4 Faerie Vandal1 Sea-Dasher Octopus4 Opt18 Island1 Cloudkin Seer3 Stern Dismissal4 Lofty Denial4 Quench4 Mystic Sanctuary4 Frantic Inventory4 Pteramander1 Brazen Borrower1 Teferi, Master of Time2 Radical IdeaSideboard (15)4 Negate3 Keep Safe2 Disdainful Stroke1 Essence Scatter1 Stern Dismissal3 Cerulean Drake1 Unsummon 3-1 Kobe KeymeulenSultai Ramp Deck (60)4 Jungle Hollow2 Arboreal Grazer3 Forest1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General4 Thornwood Falls4 Dismal Backwater2 Narset, Parter of Veils1 Heartless Act3 Tamiyo’s Epiphany2 Deathsprout1 Finishing Blow1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon1 Ugin, the Ineffable1 Elspeth’s Nightmare3 Cry of the Carnarium1 Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath1 Meteor Golem3 Agonizing Remorse3 Essence Scatter2 Duress2 Eliminate1 Drown in the Loch4 Growth Spiral4 Island6 SwampSideboard (15)2 Wilt4 Negate2 Duress2 Pharika’s Libation1 Finishing Blow1 Cancel1 Dark Bargain1 Arboreal Grazer1 Ob Nixilis’s Cruelty 3-1 Fran OlbrechtIzzet Aggro Deck (60)2 Crackling Drake2 Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor4 Sprite Dragon1 Brazen Borrower9 Island4 Shock1 Stormwing Entity3 Thrill of Possibility2 Improbable Alliance4 Swiftwater Cliffs7 Mountain1 Steam Vents1 Irencrag Pyromancer2 Raking Claws4 Crash Through4 Frantic Inventory4 Opt4 Pteramander1 Lofty DenialSideboard (15)4 Burning Prophet1 Flame Sweep3 Shredded Sails4 Negate3 Scorching Dragonfire