By Niels Viaene
This is the most exciting part of being a Constructed player, new deck ideas suddenly pop up, and forgotten strategies re-emerge now that half the things holding them back have fallen by the wayside. In this article, we will have a look at some of the ideas Sander De Quick have had so far. These are far from the only things that are possible and beyond some more fleshed out decks, they are just ideas at this point. The goal of this article is to both give you some inspiration to get started, and to give you an idea of some of the decks you will need to be able to beat.
Clarion Spirit
Mono-white aggro build around Clarion Spirit has an astounding amount of tools to its disposal. Between Sander and me, we have been bickering over so many different options and angles this deck could be taken it feels like there are multiple options that can be optimized separately. In the version below, you will see a +1/+1 counters subtheme that might one day receive enough support in other colors to become a menace of its own.
RG Landfall
Delver of Secrets
Two decks for the price of one! Delver of Secrets is a deceptively strong card, and coupling it with the correct amount of spells really puts this strategy on a competitive level. Sander found that pairing the little blue menace with White offered surprisingly good results. The red pairing is a more classical one for Delver, but one that is lacking a little bit in good burn spells it seems at the moment.
Aggro has some strong contenders at the moment, which is usually the case in the beginning of a format. Tom’s Mono green Fynn, the Fangbearer poison deck is still viable as well, but it took some losses in consistency. These are also not the only aggro decks available by any means, with UW fliers, mono red Goblins, and suicide Black all offering options.
These aggro decks will need to contend with UG-based goodstuff deck as Sarulf’s Packmate and friends are still legal. They will likely shift into red for access to sweepers, which means losing some consistency due to paying multiple colors, and since they no longer gain life off their lands, they are a little more vulnerable as well.
Gentry is starting up again soon, season IV will need to be the revival of Gentry in paper and I will do everything in my power to help it. Happy brewing and have fun!