By Niels Viaene
Was it the fact that this one was the closing event for this part of the season? Was it the fact that it was the first time we could play with M21 cards? Was it another reason all together? We will never know. We do know that 25 players ended up joining the event, making it the biggest since the corona measures have dropped to allow social interaction in Europe. Not only that, we had 4 new players join the fray and doing pretty well for some of them. Let’s look at tome of the better performing lists.
4-0 Kristof Van Holsbeek
Azorius Control
Kristof has been playing Azorius Control this entire season and cone to this even without any addition form M21 in his decklist, showing that good old faithful can take it home when coupled with crisp plays.
4-0 Niels Kok
Gruul Stompy
Sometimes bigger is just better, and Niels proves it here with his Gruul deck. A point of attention is the Rhythm of the Wild in his sideboard, showing that he sees Control as only a small part of the metagame. For this event, he was right, too, as we saw Control, especially Dimir variants, struggle to achieve anything.
3-1 Niels Viaene
Mono-B Aristocrats
I managed to sneak in third place as the highest performing 3-1 player with a deck focused on making the most out of Archfiend’s Vessel by playing the full 4 Call of the Deathdweller in a Lurrus shell. The deck definitely needs some tweaking but I am sure that core is there to stay for a while in Gentry.
3-1 Nicolas Asencio
Temur Reclamation
In 5th place, we see the best performing first time Gentry player bringing an archetype many people expected to make a comeback thanks to Volcanic Geyser, but Nicolas did not even play the card in his version of that deck, showing there is still plenty to learn about Gentry.
3-1 Matteo Ferrnado
Azorius Birds
Another new player and another deck that people were expecting to show up in Gentry. This time it was Watcher of the Spheres that was expected to make a splash, but Matteo decide to go way harder and faster, not living in fear of sweepers. Lofty Denial is just enough control for this deck that can rely on Rally of Wings to finish matches out of nowhere.
Core set 2021 seems to have had more influence in bringing people to the tournament than it had in actual decklists, but things are new and a lot of possibilities have been touched that are sure to deliver in the future.
This was the last event of this split and after grouping up the different regions it was decided to settle on the following and people that are winning a bye for the Arena Gentry Open in September (tba):
Belgium – Gent
Belgium – Other
Europe – Non-Belgium
Robbe Schildermans (2)
Kristof Van Holsbeeck (4)
Peter Jönsson (1)
William Jackson (8)
A lot of people chose not to select a region, which meant we had to be very friendly and ignore rules we set up in the description for the event and getting byes. For that reason, a revision will be made to region selection and importance for the second part of season XI. For now, let’s celebrate the return of real-life event, with the leaderboard in Bredene coming up this weekend.
Matteo Ferrando