By Niels Viaene
At his point in time, Cycling has been agreed upon to be the ‘best’ deck in the format. But that also means that decks designed to do well against these Lurrus shells are poised to take home the top slots leading up to Peter Jönsson taking the top seed in the Leaderboard this week.
We had 29 players in the event on May 12th, let’s go over the 4-0 lists below.
4-0 Quinten Cauwelier
Lurrus Cycling
The top cat of the format currently manages another 4-0 finish. There were 2 more on 3-1. Making this a top contender still. The core of cycling with Zenith Flare and Lurrus of the Dream Den is still the archetype with the highest win rate in Gentry, but a predator has entered the fray.
4-0 Thijs Weytens
Gates Control
Thijs brought an old nemesis to the table and showed that Gates, even with the nerfs to some of its pay-off cards is still a contender you cannot leave by the wayside. He is leading the pack for a troop of control decks that are capable of fighting back against Lurrus with Cry of the Carnarium and have the Negate ready to stop Zenith Flare.
3-1 Ruben Simoens
Mono-Red Obosh
Another archetype that pushed multiple people in the 3-1 range is mono red Obosh. Ruben finished highest. It seems this deck has what it takes as well but a vulnerability to Cry of the Carnarium is likely holding it back.
Looking at the Leaderboard
William, our previous leader, tumbles to a 6th place but remains at only 11 points from that top slot. We are starting to see a race solidify between the top contenders, but keep in mind, there will be a point where we only look at the 5 top finishes, and we might have some people rising through the ranks pretty quickly while our top players remain stagnant.